

ChemEx is a python module for analyzing chemical exchange detected by NMR. It is designed to take almost any kind of NMR data to aid the analysis, the most commonly used experiments include CPMG relaxation dispersion and Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST). This tutorial provides an overview of some of the major features of ChemEx.

ChemEx performs numerical fitting by minimizing predefined \(\chi^2\), which typically has the following form:

\[\chi^2 = \sum_{i}{\left(\frac{I^{expt}_i-I^{calc}_i}{\sigma^{expt}_i}\right)^2}\]

For any given set of parameters, ChemEx performs numerical simulation and calculate the corresponding \(\chi^2\) value. The purpose of numerical fitting is to locate the sets of parameters that reaches \(\chi^2\) minimum, which is carried out with Levenberg-Marquardt non-linear optimization with LMfit module. Unlike most other programs for chemical exchange data analysis, ChemEx does not rely on analytical equations therefore most experimental details (e.g. finite pulse width, off-resonance effects etc.) can be taken into account.

Running ChemEx

ChemEx is intended to use with the command line (indicated with $), a typical command for running ChemEx is:

$ chemex fit -e <FILE> \
             -p <FILE> \
             -m <FILE> \
             -d <MODEL> \
             -o <DIR>

Such command is usually saved in a shell script to save some typing efforts. The first argument (positional argument) should be one of the following:

info Show experiments that can be fit
config Show sample configuration files of the modules
fit Start a fit
simulate Start a simulation
pick_cest Plot CEST profiles for dip picking
plot_param Plot one selected parameter from a ‘parameters.fit’ file

The second argument and later (optional arguments) can be one of the following:

-h or --help Show help message
-e Input files containing experimental setup and data location
-p Input files containing the initial values of fitting parameters
-m Input file containing the fitting method
-o Directory for output files
-d Exchange model used to fit the data
--plot Plotting level (nothing, normal, all)
--include Residue(s) to include in the fit
--exclude Residue(s) to exclude from the fit
--mc Number of Monte-Carlo simulations
--bs Number of Bootstrap simulations

File formats

The input and output files of ChemEx uses TOML file format. Detailed description and usage about TOML file format can be found in the project home page.

Experiment files

The experiment files (indicated with -e) contain information such as the name and Larmor frequency etc., it typically looks like this:

name         = "dcest_15n"
time_t1      = 0.2
carrier      = 118.663
b1_frq       = 20.0
b1_inh_res   = 5
sw           = 800.0
pw90         = 36.2e-6

h_larmor_frq = 1000.3
# sample = "G48A Fyn SH3"
# temperature = 25.0

path = "../Data/800Hz/"
error = "file"
filter_offsets = [[0.0, 20.0]]
profiles = [
    ["F4N", "F4N-HN.out"],
    ["E5N", "E5N-HN.out"],
    ["A6N", "A6N-HN.out"],
    ["L7N", "L7N-HN.out"],
    ["Y8N", "Y8N-HN.out"],

The meaning of several most commonly used keys is summarized as below:

Section Key Meaning
[experiment] name experiment name
carrier RF carrier of studied nuclei in ppm
[conditions] h_larmor_freq magnetic field strength in MHz
label labeling scheme of the sample
[data] path directory containing data files
error directory containing data files

Data files

The location of data files is specified in experiment files. Data files typically contain three columns with the following information:

Experiment First column Second column Third column
CPMG ncyc Intensity Uncertainty
Relaxation Time (s)

An example data file looks like this:

#Offset (Hz)        Intensity    Uncertainty
  -2.000e+04    1.6713620e+07  7.5500000e+04
  -4.000e+02    9.1779790e+06  7.5500000e+04
  -3.500e+02    5.3376120e+06  7.5500000e+04
  -3.000e+02    8.3675620e+05  7.5500000e+04
  -2.500e+02    8.5308660e+06  7.5500000e+04
  -2.000e+02    1.0703890e+07  7.5500000e+04
  -1.500e+02    1.1374080e+07  7.5500000e+04
  -1.000e+02    1.1372830e+07  7.5500000e+04
  -5.000e+01    1.1546840e+07  7.5500000e+04
   0.000e+00    1.1448260e+07  7.5500000e+04
   5.000e+01    1.1345880e+07  7.5500000e+04
   1.000e+02    1.1018610e+07  7.5500000e+04
   1.500e+02    8.8288670e+06  7.5500000e+04
   2.000e+02    5.9639350e+06  7.5500000e+04
   2.500e+02    9.3583360e+06  7.5500000e+04
   3.000e+02    1.0234890e+07  7.5500000e+04
   3.500e+02    1.0114990e+07  7.5500000e+04
   4.000e+02    9.1075310e+06  7.5500000e+04

Parameter files

The parameter files (indicated with -p) contain initial estimate of parameters to be used during the fitting process, which typically looks like this:

PB     =    0.6
KEX_AB =  130.0
TAUC_A =    4.0

If certain parameter is required but not included in the parameter files, a default value will be used to initialize, the initial value depends on each specific module. Due to the multidimensional feature of the minimization process, it is essential to set suitable initial parameters to avoid being trapped in a local minimum.

Method files

The method file (indicated with -m) contain the fitting methods to be used during the fitting process, which typically looks like this:

Kinetic models

The kinetic model (indicated with -d) indicates the type of exchange model to be used for the data analysis, which can be one of the following:

2st 2-state exchange model (default)
3st 3-state exchange model
4st 4-state exchange model
2st_rs 2-state residue-specific exchange model
2st_hd 2-state exchange model for H/D solvent exchange study
2st_eyring 2-state exchange model for temperature-dependent study
3st_eyring 3-state exchange model for temperature-dependent study
2st_binding 2-state exchange model for binding study
4st_hd 4-state exchange model for simutaneous normal and H/D solvent exchange study

Output files

The output